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I normally hate Battle Royale Games. I have played popular titles such as Fortnite, Call of Duty Warzone, Apex Legends, and PUBG. The Battle Royale genre is increasing in popularity, and honestly I thought it was just a gimmick at first. I know that may opinion may be controversial, but I’m just sharing my thoughts. This brings me to my Naraka Bladepoint Review.

Naraka Bladepoint is available on Xbox Game Pass, and I thought the gameplay and setup seemed rather interesting. Naraka is a battle royale game, but instead of being a looter-shooter it is a fighting game. This sparked my interest, and I decided to give it a try for you all. In my review of Naraka Bladepoint, I will be discussing the setup, gameplay, characters, what I liked, an disliked about it. At the end I’ll give this game a rating which we call the fun factor score.

Thank you in advance for reading, and I hope you enjoy my official review of Naraka Bladepoint.

What Is Naraka Bladepoint?

Naraka Bladepoint Review - To characters clashing swords

As someone that has an intense hatred for the Battle Royale genre, I love playing Naraka Bladepoint. The overall setup, and combat are very easy to jump into, but it does require a degree of skill for those of you that like the more competitive side of these types of games. Naraka Bladepoint is developed by 24 Entertainment, and is available to play on Windows PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

60 players jump into a map, and must gather materials of varying strength to have the best chance of survival. Since Naraka Bladepoint is focused on close quarters combat, most of the weapons you’ll play with are long swords, katana’s, nunchucks, bow and arrows, and more. You can play this game in a party by yourself, duo’s or trio’s. There are many characters to choose from, and the combat is virtually the same with each character. Where the characters differ is their unique special abilities. As you play with each character you can level up each one, thus making your special abilities and character much more powerful.

How Is Naraka Bladepoint?

Two characters battling in Naraka Bladepoint

This game is fun! It’s not perfect, but it’s fun! I was nervous about being able to get kills at first, as I am always nervous about playing fighting games online, but I fit into Naraka Bladepoint like a glove. The maps are large enough so you can choose to jump right in to the middle of the action, or spawn further away from players and gather materials. I’d recommend this if you are new to this type of game.

Your objective is to stay alive, and in order to do this you’ll have to acquire more powerful gear either from looting or defeating other players. If you are skilled in this game, you can overturn almost any swordfight, but lower ranked players can still enjoy this game by playing smart. You’ll need to choose when to attack, and when to run away. Often times I found myself just standing there witnessing a huge battle between several players. I’d then wait until someone wins, and then take out the weaker opponent. If you have your special ability charged, you can jump right in and take out several opponents at once. With many different ways to play Naraka Bladepoint, I’m convinced many of you will find a way to play that best suits your playstyle.

Character Designs and Visuals

I’m a huge fan of the overall character design, customization and visuals. The Japanese style of the game is really nice, and beautiful to look at. There a variety of cosmetics, for each weapon and character. You can unlock the many cosmetics through the battle pass, or by purchasing many of them directly. With so many to choose from and the cool artistic setting of this game, I had to stop myself from spending everything on cosmetics during my playthrough.

You can add a skin to each weapon, buy new costumes and ornaments for each character, and some of these are insanely cool looking. There a few top tier cosmetics that can even grant your weapon or character with special abilities which really makes you want to grind this game to unlock more.

The World

The maps that you will do battle on encourage exploration. There are not only varying levels of loot to locate, but there are small mini objectives that you can obtain such as player bounties and currency you can earn to purchase power ups to help your team gain victory. The world is just as pleasing to look at as are the characters costumes. You can traverse each level using your grappling hook, and by jumping and climbing the landscape and buildings.

What I Disliked About Naraka Bladepoint

Naraka Bladepoint is an all around great game, but it’s not without it’s faults. I have only a few complaints and the first I’ll list here is the camera. When combat is intense it can be a challenge to keep your opponents right in front of you. This can lead to you losing battles because you cannot simply see what’s happening.

My next complaint is with some of the glitches I have experienced. To be fair, none of these glitches are overall game breaking, but more minor inconveniences. One has to do with an issue I experienced in the games main menu. Sometimes you just could not select the next game mode you wanted to play. It’s almost like the game forces you to play another mode. A simple fix to this was to close it, and simply reopen it. Like I said a minor inconvenient that is hopefully fixed with an update. I didn’t experience any glitches during the main gameplay and combat so I’ll call this one a win.

What I Liked About Naraka Bladepoint

Naraka Bladepoint Character Menu

I enjoyed just about everything about the game, and have already touched on the combat elements, but Naraka Bladepoint has something I’ve wanted battle royale games to have for a while now and that is a practice mode. There are two types of training that is available. You can play through the games tutorials, free training, or play a match with bots.

The free training is great if you’d like to practice your technique’s or countering. You can even try out the various items in the game to test them out before jumping into actual combat. Setting up a practice match with bots is a great way for new players to jump in, and get a feel for a match before risking their overall rank. This lowers the bar to entry and is a reason why you should at least give this game a try if you are hesitant to play battle royale games.

Final Thoughts & Fun Factor Score

Naraka Bladepoint is a fun game and is great for both casual and competitive gamers. It’s fun combat, character designs, and overall gameplay are deserving a playthrough for almost any gamer. For this reason, I give Naraka Bladepoint a 9 out of 10. I’ll also add that if you are fellow content creator, Naraka Bladepoint has many challenges and rewards for those of you that are looking for something new to play and it helps get the word out about this game. You an view all of those details at the developers official website here.

I truly think that what 24 Entertainment has created is special, and is a welcome change to the Battle Royale genre. Please try this game, and hopefully this will be one that is just as popular as Fortnite and PUBG.

Thank you so much for reading my review of Naraka Bladepoint. Is this a game you plan on playing? If you have played it, let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment below.

[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

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